Berberine, an alkaloid in the plant family of tea plants, is being studied as a possible tool for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes and obesity. The phytochemical content of the plant has been studied extensively by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although there are no human clinical trials to support the claims of berberine weight loss supplements, there have been preliminary reports that the plant does reduce body fat. Berberine weight loss supplements are available over the counter and have been used for decades to treat high blood sugar and cholesterol levels. The question that must be answered is, "are these supplements effective?"
Currently, it is not clear whether the phytochemicals in berberine supplements will have a significant effect on the risk of diabetes or obesity. It is also not clear whether the phytochemicals in the plant can help people lose weight in a healthy way. In general, the benefits of dietary supplements in improving general health are not known. There are, however, some promising signs that diet and exercise can help people lose weight.
One sign of possible benefit is the reduction of fat cells in the liver. There is now some evidence that berberine supplements may work by increasing the number of liver enzymes that convert carbohydrates to fat. This is an attractive concept because many scientists believe that the rise in glucose in the bloodstream is one of the causes of obesity. If the liver is able to remove some of the carbohydrate from the bloodstream, it may store the fat that would have been stored as normal fat in a person's body. This type of weight loss has been seen in clinical studies with laboratory animals.
Scientists have not concluded that there is any practical use of the supplement for weight loss. However, some animal studies have suggested that berberine supplements can reduce fat cells in mice, making it an interesting possibility. More research will probably be needed to support this finding.
Berberine is taken as an ingredient in some weight-loss preparations. There is no evidence, however, that it is useful as a dietary supplement. It is included because it is a natural ingredient that is easy to find in food. Another reason that it is used is that it is relatively inexpensive.
The most promising finding so far involves people who take berberine to improve their overall health. In a small clinical trial, overweight and obese people who took supplements for four months lost an average of eleven pounds. Those who took a placebo did not lose weight. These results suggest that taking berberine could be an effective means of improving blood glucose levels in people who need to lose weight.
Overall health should be the first goal of people who are trying to lose weight. If they improve their overall health, they may find that they can make more responsible food choices and stick with them for longer. People who also take supplements of berberine may find that they can help to reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.
Some people may already have some of the conditions that are associated with diabetes. For example, some people have lower than normal liver enzymes. This means that they may not be able to properly use some of the nutrients that they do get from food. Berberine may be able to help these people. In the meantime, it may be important for people who are trying to lose weight to consider all of their options and to think about how their diet and exercise habits may affect their overall health.
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